St. Mathias, Thorpe-next-Haddiscoe
About the Church:
St. Mathias is one of 124 Saxon round-tower churches in Norfolk. Unusually for churches in this area, the font is very old, late Norman, when so many others were replaced in the 15th century
The 'Haddiscoe Hoard', the largest hoard of civil war coins found in Norfolk to date, was discovered on 17 July 2003 by a workman on a flood defence scheme.
Zeb will host an evening of words and music for the turn of the season at the ancient Norfolk church of St Mathias, Thorpe-next-Haddiscoe. Joined by friends from the world of music, theatre and broadcasting.
Music from Thomas Campion and John Dowland and words from John Betjeman, John Keats, William Shakespeare, Robert Louis Stevenson and our very own Sue Whitmore.
Special Guests including:
Rosamund Walton - Soprano
Tony Scheuregger - Lute Player
Sue Whitmore - Poet
Geoffrey Munn - (Antiques Roadshow)
Amanda Wisher - Actor
Andy Wisher - Actor
Susan Kyd - Actor
Admission by donation in aid of church preservation
* St Mathias is a small church, so early arrival is recommended to secure a seat.